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Samples & Prototyping

Be confident before mass production! We guarantee great packaging results with solutions designed to help you visualize and perfect your packaging. We offer various types of samples & prototyping for all your needs.

Samples and prototypes crafted for everyone

Packaging can be obscure without knowing what your box will look like and can ultimately affect the effectiveness of your packaging. That is why we have crafted solutions to help you make informed decisions no matter what stage you are at in the packaging process to guarantee results.

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Digital 3D Sample

3D render samples commonly used for marketing, simulations, and artwork/layout testing. Ideal for small-run projects.

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Plain Sample

No print sample commonly used for testing box structures, sizing, and material evaluation. Ideal for small-run projects.

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Digital Sample

Digtally printed and cut sample commonly used for testing printed artwork and layout. Great for small to medium run projects.


Production Sample

Production quality printed sample commonly used for final evaluation before mass production. Great for medium to large run projects.

Perfect packaging every time

Physical samples and prototyping aren’t where we stop. We believe that getting that perfect packaging you’ve always wanted involves a lot of attention and care which is why we provide services to ensure your mass production orders are not affected by mistakes or delays.

Smart material applications

Depending on your product, we offer multiple selections of material to help solve issues preemptively that may occur during any time of your shipping and handling processes.  Luxury Rigid Box Manufacturers Sivakasi has actively worked with brands by providing expert material recommendations when it comes to food safe, medical safe, impact resistance, weight testing and more.


Structure and size validation

Structure and dimensions are crucial to your product packaging as it can directly affect your overall outcome and fitting of your products. Our LRBM structural experts are here to support you in your choices in structures as well as making sure all your products fit perfectly in the box or insert before we move on.


It’s easy to miss mistakes in artwork and color when working with complex designs. LRBM with its teams of Quality Control staff has implemented stringent proofing within our process to help lower the chance for your designs to have mistakes in mass production. Accompanied by our prototyping services, we ensure that you get your perfect packaging in every mass order.

Stringent proofing & color matching

Start your packaging journey with Luxury Rigid Box Manufacturers

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